The visual arts not only provide pleasure and creative inspiration, but they also help foster dialogue and bring important issues to the public eye. Art can directly empower the most vulnerable members of society. An artist can lead, follow, uplift or provoke with their work.
Here is a chance for you to use your art as a tool to bring change in our society by being a part of the CREATIVE drive
Use the power in your brush to paint your feelings. Let your art speak to the world, express your inner feelings and convey a strong message to the world. Let us join hands together and move to a world where everyone be it a man or woman has equal rights and opportunities to express themselves.
The idea behind JOKER particularly as The Joker is far more than a comedian gone wrong; his identity often explores deeper themes like chaos, anarchy, mental illness, and human suffering and moral issues.
Let’s break it down:
The Joker often critiques societal issues like inequality, corruption, and moral hypocrisy, albeit in destructive and extreme ways.
Here's an overview of its key themes:
The theme of Joker resonates as a cautionary tale about the consequences of ignoring those who are marginalized and vulnerable in society. It is a grim reflection of the world’s harsh realities, forcing viewers to confront uncomfortable truths.
The circus joker, often called a clown, is a central figure in traditional circus performances. Their primary role is to entertain the audience with humor, physical comedy, and lighthearted antics. Here's a bit more about them:
The circus joker's roots can be traced back to court jesters of medieval times and commedia dell'arte in Italy. Over time, clowns became a staple of circuses, evolving into the iconic figures we recognize today.
Circus jokers typically wear exaggerated costumes with bright colors, oversized shoes, and face paint. Their makeup often features distinctive designs, such as a big red nose, rosy cheeks, and wide smiles or exaggerated frowns.
Types of Circus Jokers
- Whiteface Clowns: Elegant and authoritative, they often play the "straight man" in comedic acts.
- Auguste Clowns: Silly and bumbling, their chaotic energy contrasts with the Whiteface clown.
- Character Clowns: Inspired by everyday figures like hobos or policemen, they bring relatable humor.
A JOKER serves as comic relief between major acts like trapeze or animal performances.
Circus jokers use slapstick humor, pratfalls, and audience interaction to create a playful atmosphere.
Modern Interpretations
Today, clowns are not limited to circuses. They appear in theater, parades, and even horror genres (e.g., Pennywise from It).
Some performers reimaging the role of the joker to include elements of storytelling, satire, or contemporary art.
The Joker blurs the line between right and wrong, forcing viewers to question their own moral compass. Is he a victim, a villain, or both?
Contact Number:
+91-9971767875, +91-9810173801
“जोकर- यह सिर्फ़ हास्य नहीं है”
जोकर के पीछे का विचार, खास तौर पर जोकर के रूप में, एक गलत हास्य अभिनेता से कहीं ज़्यादा है; उसकी पहचान अक्सर अराजकता, मानसिक बीमारी और मानवीय पीड़ा और नैतिक मुद्दों जैसे गहरे विषयों की खोज करती है।
आइए इसे समझें:
जोकर अक्सर सामाजिक मुद्दों जैसे असमानता, भ्रष्टाचार और नैतिक पाखंड की आलोचना करता है, हालांकि विनाशकारी और चरम तरीकों से।
यहाँ इसके मुख्य विषयों का अवलोकन दिया गया है:
जोकर का विषय समाज में हाशिए पर पड़े और कमज़ोर लोगों की अनदेखी करने के परिणामों के बारे में एक चेतावनी कहानी के रूप में गूंजता है। यह दुनिया की कठोर वास्तविकताओं का एक गंभीर प्रतिबिंब है, जो दर्शकों को असहज सच्चाइयों का सामना करने के लिए मजबूर करता है।
सर्कस का जोकर, जिसे अक्सर जोकर कहा जाता है, पारंपरिक सर्कस प्रदर्शनों में एक केंद्रीय व्यक्ति होता है। उनकी प्राथमिक भूमिका हास्य, शारीरिक कॉमेडी और हल्की-फुल्की हरकतों से दर्शकों का मनोरंजन करना है। यहाँ उनके बारे में थोड़ा और बताया गया है:
सर्कस के जोकर की जड़ें मध्यकालीन समय के दरबारी विदूषकों और इटली के कॉमेडिया डेल'आर्टे से जुड़ी हुई हैं। समय के साथ, जोकर सर्कस का एक मुख्य हिस्सा बन गए, और आज हम जिन प्रतिष्ठित लोगों को पहचानते हैं, उनमें विकसित हुए।
सर्कस के जोकर आमतौर पर चमकीले रंगों, बड़े आकार के जूतों और चेहरे पर रंग के साथ अतिरंजित पोशाक पहनते हैं। उनके मेकअप में अक्सर विशिष्ट डिज़ाइन होते हैं, जैसे कि बड़ी लाल नाक, गुलाबी गाल और चौड़ी मुस्कान या अतिरंजित भौंहें।
सर्कस के जोकरों के प्रकार
- व्हाइट फेस जोकर: सुरुचिपूर्ण और आधिकारिक, वे अक्सर हास्यपूर्ण कृत्यों में "सीधे आदमी" की भूमिका निभाते हैं।
- ऑगस्टे जोकर: मूर्ख और अनाड़ी, उनकी अराजक ऊर्जा व्हाइट फेस जोकर के विपरीत है।
- चरित्र जोकर: होबो या पुलिसकर्मियों जैसे रोजमर्रा के आंकड़ों से प्रेरित होकर, वे संबंधित हास्य लाते हैं।
जोकर ट्रैपेज़ या जानवरों के प्रदर्शन जैसे प्रमुख कृत्यों के बीच हास्य राहत के रूप में कार्य करता है।
सर्कस के जोकर एक चंचल माहौल बनाने के लिए स्लैपस्टिक हास्य, प्रैटफॉल और दर्शकों की बातचीत का उपयोग करते हैं।
आधुनिक व्याख्याएँ
आज, जोकर केवल सर्कस तक ही सीमित नहीं हैं। वे थिएटर, परेड और यहाँ तक कि डरावनी शैलियों में भी दिखाई देते हैं।
कुछ कलाकार कहानी कहने, व्यंग्य या समकालीन कला के तत्वों को शामिल करने के लिए जोकर की भूमिका को फिर से परिभाषित करते हैं।
जोकर सही और गलत के बीच की रेखा को धुंधला कर देता है, जिससे दर्शक अपने स्वयं के नैतिक कम्पास पर सवाल उठाने पर मजबूर हो जाते हैं। क्या वह पीड़ित है, खलनायक है, या दोनों?

General Guidelines/Information
Last date of registration: 15 April 2025 (11.59.59 pm)
To become a part of this event titled: “JOKER- IT’S JUST NOT HUMOUR” all you need to do is Register Online via https://www.speakingart.org/event/joker/ and you have to send your creations and express it to the world.
To be a part of this social drive all you need to do is register online. We will provide you the mask and you have to paint your thoughts and feelings about ‘JOKER- IT’S JUST NOT HUMOUR’ on it and express it to the world.
It is an embossed 3D mask casted in fiber and size of the mask is 13”x16” (approximately).
To become a part of this creative drive the registration amount for One mask is Rs. 3500/-, for Two masks is Rs. 6500/-, for Three masks is Rs. 9000/- (an individual can register maximum for Three masks only).
- Delivery of mask(s) (safely packed in a box) at your doorsteps via speed post or courier.
- Exhibition of painted masks (artworks) in one of the prime art galleries of Delhi in the month of September-October 2025.
- An exclusive catalogue will be released during the opening ceremony. The participating artist is entitled to get one catalogue only. Additional catalogue will be available on payment basis.
- SAF will take care of all media publicity.
- During inaugural ceremony entry is strictly by invitation only. One invitation card will be valid for two people (Including participants). Each participating artist is entitled for one invitation card only.
- Artist will receive a share of 75% of the sale amount of his/her painted mask after deducting GST/any payable tax on the same. 25% will be deducted as donation.
- The artworks will get space on our website www.speakingart.org for online sale as well.
- The finished artwork is to be sent back via speed post/courier to SAF in the same box on or before the mentioned date. The mask will be the sole property of The Artist but SAF has all rights to use the painted masks in their publicity campaigns to promote the cause.
- Registration once done will not be cancelled or reversed under any circumstances and amount paid will not be refunded.
- Please note: Speaking Art Foundation (SAF) has All Rights reserved to showcase or not to showcase the creation for whatsoever reason(s).
- This event titled: “JOKER- ITS JUST NOT HUMOUR” is open for all artists above the age of 18 years (Male/Female).
- Artworks shall be meet the following criteria: a) Uniqueness/Originality, b) Quality (neatness and craft), c) Aesthetic quality (design, composition, colour/tones), d) Selection and application of materials.
- Subject to Gurugram Jurisdiction only.
Enrollment stands for:
- SAF has all rights to use sent material in publicity campaigns / promotional activities.
- Nudity in art works shall not be accepted.
- Registration once done will not be cancelled or transferred under any circumstances and amount paid shall not be refunded.
- Speaking Art Foundation’s decision will be final and cannot be challenged, whatsoever the case may be.
- Subject to Gurgaon Jurisdiction only.
Registration opening: January 26, 2025 (00.00.00 am)
Registration closing: April 15, 2025 (11.59.59 pm)
- Registration process: 26 January to 15 April 2025
- Tentative delivery of masks to the artists via Speed Post: 31st March 2025 onwards.
- Last date to submit painted mask: on or before 31August 2025.
- Exhibition ‘JOKER- IT’S JUST NOT HUMOUR’: September-October 2025
Step 1. Click the link- https://www.speakingart.org/event/joker/
Step 2. Go through the guidelines
Step 3. Register yourself online
Step 4. Make payment through any one of the given payment options.
Registration form as per previous events
Registering for: One Mask Rs. 3500 Two Masks Rs. 6500 Three Masks Rs. 9000
Contact Us:
Helpline No(s). # 9971767875, # 9810173801
Registration opening: January 15, 2024 (00.00.00 am)
Registration closing: February 15, 2024 (11.59.59 pm)
Jury session: 25th February 2024
Declaration of results : 1st March 2024.
Speaking Art Foundation
Union Bank of India
Account number: 579201010050593
IFSC Code: UBIN0557927
MICR Code: 110026093
Branch Code: 557927