
Shreyas Dutta

I would especially like to point out Dr Chhaya Kumari, Saryu Amoda, Geetu Thakur Meenakshi Jha banerji, Amit Dutt, Shri Prem Singh Ramchandra Pokale and Shilpa mridul for producing such fantastic pieces of art. Its amazing to see such articulate and vibrant pieces of Art and the other artists were pretty great as well. I want them to do such more art and keep us layman motivated in this monotonous world

Shobhna Narayan

What a lovely and meaningful exhibition. Congratulations to Neeraj and Remi for mounting this exhibition and through it awakening people's sensitivity and showcasing the creativity of artists

रोमेंद्र सागर

बहुत खूब संयोजन, प्रदर्शनी पूरी तरीके से कामयाब है. बहुत से कलाकार मंझे हुए हैं, और बहुत से शुरुआती ड्योढी पर आगे बढ़ाने की चाह में खड़े हैं और दोनों ही अपने आप में अप्रतिम है. स्वाति गोयल का काम बेहद सराहनी है, बड़े और अनुभवी कलाकारों में अमित दत्त भाई, हर्ष लूंबा और जय श्री सभी की अपनी अलग पहचान है. कुल मिलाकर यहां आना पूरी तरह सफल रहा- शुभकामनाएं सभी के लिए आज भी कल भी और हमेशा ही

Shalini Sisodia

Beautiful display and exhibition, the five elements through various forms of art. Shilpa mrudul's work is very neat and I like her Gond art which has theme and story behind. Kudos to the curator.

Lakshmi Srivas

All the paintings are very nice and inspiring. Very impressed with the paintings of Shrimati Sharyu Amoda, very depth concept in her paintings. Best wishes to all the artists of the show, Thanks

चंद्रकांता शर्मा

पंचभूत नामक प्रदर्शनी अति मनमोहक है. बहुत ही अच्छी पेंटिंग है. पंचभूत नामक विषय पर कलाकारों की योग्यता प्रदर्शनी में हर पेंटिंग में झलक रही है. सभी कलाकारों को हार्दिक आशीर्वाद.

Sanjay Kalra

Just so astonished by the perception and ideology of the artists. The way they have represented women empowerment is extremely beautiful

Rishi Vashisht

Innovative Idea, Creative Concept, Excellent Execution, Next destination could be "CCRT Art Gallery". Welcome!

Swati Sharma

Art is not what you see but what you make others see. Great work and very nicely organised keep it up and stay blessed.

प्रयाग शुक्ला

सभी कलाकारों को मेरी बधाई और शुभकामनाएं. सभी की अभिव्यक्ति कुछ न कुछ कहती है - अपनी तरह से - और एक ही मुखौटा कितने रंग रूपों में उपस्थित है यह सुंदर बात है.

Smriti Mishra

Fantastic and refreshing art.🙂 Creativity per excellence - kudos to the artists. Heartiest wishes to organizers and respected artists. Excellent presentation really beautiful. Interesting ideas really beautiful


It's very beautiful. Can be more creative and interactive by adding more different styles. Very beautiful collection, it will look more beautiful with the title of the Arts

Neerja Chandna Peters

Absolutely delighted to see the arrangement and the works. Kudos SAF and all the artist friends.

Ravinder Tanwar

Just wow.... wonderful presentation of beautiful art works of all the artists.
Best wishes to Speaking Art Foundation

Collins Osemeka

It was such a grand style opening event "Brush 'n' Beyond", a group show organised by Speaking Art Foundation. The inauguration was beyond ordinary. It was a privilege for me to be present at this all inclusive class exhibition. Really amazing. I must say and looking forward to be a part of their future events.

Anita Goel

Neeraj ji always does things of appreciation. The display is awesome. Wishing you success in your every venture. Great variety

Magnea Masinosdothir from Iceland

Thanks for sharing the diversity of the Indian Art- Highly appreciated, with love from an Icelander

दिलीप चंदोलिया

बहुत ही अच्छा लगा. यहां आकर पता ही नहीं चला कि मैंने इतना समय काम को देखते हुए गुजारा. सभी कलाकारों को मेरी शुभकामनाएं

Qazi M. Raghib

Very well organized exhibition. I found some unique work and experimental installation. Very good work done by 25 artists. All are beautiful and wonderful paintings best wishes to all artist.

Harsh Inder Loomba

This is my second visit after the opening day. This is a very well curated show with more excellent art works on display. Congratulations

Dr. Roop Chand (Chairperson. National Art Centre, Gurgaon)

Visual Arts are essentially integrated experience of an individual. It may be his/her expression or communication or their statement on an experienced subject, but certainly, it is language of heart. An art work has two aspects as form and content. The content is the mental image and form is its presentation aesthetically with skilful technique. In art for art sake form matters a lot in aesthetic context, but in Indian creative art both matter a lot. The present exhibition of mixed bag is curetted with diligent efforts by Neeraj Sharma and Rashmi Jain. The participating artists are accomplished. They have shown the genuine mirror of the spirit of Indian contemporary trends fairly well with deep insight in cultural ethos. I wish them a great success.

Prof. Prem Singh (India)

Painting in watercolour is a pleasure . It is also one of the oldest and favourite mediums of the artists as well. Emphasis is still laid on the learning of watercolour painting for students in our art schools. Painting on the spot is both a challenge and joy. Pigments are derived or mined from the organic or inorganic matter with natural gum arabic as the binding medium. Handmade paper partly made with some sort of cotton is most preferred for its textural richness, sizing and absorbent quality as it stays flat and preserves the colour much better to retain its brilliance. Light reflects from the white paper which makes the colour glow and helps in attainting the luminous and striking effects. Watercolour is a medium known for its transparency and fluidity, therefore, requires immense practice and a higher degree of proficiency to hit the deftness of the tone at one go to create compelling compositions of outstanding aesthetic merit. It is a thoughtful initiative on the part of Neeraj and Rashmi (founders of Speaking Art Foundation) to organize an exclusive exhibition of watercolours and I am sure the art loving community will respond to it with all their heart and soul. Wishing the show a great success.